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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

alrighty there chaps?

did you know that it cost 100000 RMB to set up a business in China? thats about 7000 quid, which is quite a lot.

Also, in other news, I'm going to finish my manuscript tonight. That's not something you can say everyday is it? And the exciting thing is that I'll probably be able to say it tomorrow as well, cos I probably wont be able to get it done...

All good my end of the woods. Tip of the week is that Sweden spells nedews backwards, which is ancient anglo saxon for 'Golly'.

The other riveting thing is that I'm still trying to beat my friends high score on, wait for it, MINESWEEPER. Bloody awful game, but I challenge anyone in the world to beat her high score on 'Expert' of something like 176 seconds. It might even be in the 160's. It's phenomenal, it's disgusting. I think my record is 256 seconds and I'm quite good at it.

How the hell are you?

Mr & Mrs Cheesm: Is that caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaards? SO to speak

Bjorgvin: you still good to go for the 8th mate?

Evil Uncle: Waaaaaaart? Can you tell the vampire called mabel one again, ive forgotten the bit in the middle.

Monday, June 27, 2005

I love the smell of Napalm in the Morning

I actually quite like it in the afternoons too.

Today, Old Bugger B'garr tells us the tractor story.

The Trak-Tarrr Story.

Sumtoims youw can be droivin alorng on yor traktarr, youw know, droiving alorng tuw the next field or sumthing loik thart, 'n' youw can, speciali if youw are droivin down a narrow lane nort uwsed very orften, youw can pick up sum things orn the way, that get attached tuw your traktarr loik braanches and plaants and other brik-a-braak. Youw might nort even nowtis youwve dun it, or, youw moight nowtis bart youw carnt storp on the roawd to take it orf. Now, youw moight collect kwoight a lort of brik-a-brakk owver toime and it will slow the traktarr down no end. Then, wun day, it moight all just come orf and then your traktarr will gow much farster, which is whart youw warnt, isnt it.

Talk backs next time....
